Communication and international public relations

– syllabus en-

Master International Business, Second year, 2021-2022, room 88, Tuesday, 18:00-21:30

Universitatea Creștină ,,Dimitrie Cantemir”

Facultatea de Administrarea Afacerilor Internaționale

Conf. univ. dr. Adrian Niţă

Pagina personală:


Description: the course will present the major aspects of communication and public relations in the international affairs.

Specific objectives: To know the category of public relations and the history of PR ; to know relationship with marketing, management and publicity ; to identify target-public ; to know the main themes of international affairs ; to know the strategy of public relations and the strategic tools ; to know the modalities of public communication ; to know and use tools for institutional communication ; to know the major aspects of the elements of public speaking ; to know and good manage of crisis situations ; to know and manage the communication in crisis situations ; to know the public discourse in spontaneous situations ; to know and form skills as spokesman

Assessment: 25% practical activities (10%  presentation, 15%  paper) + 75% exam


L Topa, Metode şi tehnici de muncă intelectuală, Bucureşti, Editura Didactică, 1979.

Sorin Ivan, Communication and public relations, Editura Universității București, 2014.

G Nastase, Comunicare și relații publice in afaceri internaționale, București, Pro Universitaria, editia a treia, 2020.

Ion Ovidiu Pânisoara, Comunicare eficientă, Iași, Polirom, ediția a patra, 2015.

Alison Theaker, The PR handbook, Routledge, Londra, 2001.

David Walker, Public Relations in Local Government, Strategic Approaches to Better Communications, Pitman Publishing, Londra, 1997.

Edward T. Hall, The Silent Language, Anchor Books, New York, 1990.

Gabriele Kasper, Eric Kellerman, Communication Strategies. Psycholinguistic and Sociolinguistic Perspectives, Longman 1997.

Jean Chaumely, Denis Huisman, Relations Publiques, Presses Universitaires de France, 1967. 

Roger Haywood, Manage your Reputation, Kogan Page, Londra, 2002.

Tim O’Sullivan, John Hartley, Danny Saunders, Martin Montgomery, John Fiske, Concepte fundamentale din stiintele comunicarii si studiile culturale, Polirom, Iasi, 2001.

Andy Green, Creativity in PR, Kogan Page, Londra 1999.

McNair, Brian, Introducere în comunicarea politică, Iasi, Polirom, 2007.

Lynch, P.J., Horton, S., Web Style Guide: Basic Design Principles for Creating Web Sites, 3rd Edition, 2008.

Coman, Cristina, Relaţii publice – principii şi strategii, Ed. Polirom, 2006, 

Coman, Cristina, Comunicarea de criză, Ed. Polirom, 2009.

Newsom, Doug, Van Slyke Turk, Judy, Kruckeberg, Dean, Totul despre relaţiile publice, Ed. Polirom, 2010 

Oliver, Sandra, Strategii de relaţii publice, Iaşi, Polirom, 2009.

Wilcox, L. Denis, Cameron, T. Glen, Ault, H. Phillip, Agee, K.Warren, Relații publice, strategii și tactici, Ed. Curtea Veche Publishing, 2009,  

Curtin, Patricia A., Gaither, Kenn T.,  Relații publice internaționale. Negocierea culturii, a identității și a puterii. București Curtea Veche, 2008.

Trent, Judith S., Friedenberg, Robert V., Denton Robert E, Political Campaign Communication: Principles and Practices, Rowman&Littlefield Publishers, Inc., Lanham, Boulder, New York, Toronto, 7th Edition, 2011.

Andy Green, Comunicare eficientă în relații publice, Polirom, 2009.

AM Hyamson (ed), A dictionary of international affairs, London, Methuen, 1946.

Mc Elroy, Morality and American Foreign Policy, Princeton, 1992.

JM Bochenski, The metods of contemporary thought, Dordrecht, Reidel, 1965.

U Eco, Cum se face o teză de licenţă, trad de G Popescu, Constanţa, Pontica, 2000.

Adrian Niţă, Metodologie, Bucureşti, Ars Docendi, 2005.

Time schedule:

  1. International Public Relations

Lesson 1. Public relations: introduction and history

            Seminary 1. Introduction

Lesson 2. Relationship with marketing, management and publicity

            Seminar 2. Exercises and applications

Lesson 3. Identification of publics

            Seminar 3. Exercises and applications

Lesson 4. International affairs: introduction; PR in international affairs

            Seminar 4. Exercises and applications

Lesson 5. Strategy of PR. Strategically tools in online communication

             Seminar 5. Exercises and applications

  1. Communication in the international business

Lesson 6. Modalities of public communication

            Seminar 6. Exercises and applications. Setting the theme for paper.

Lesson 7. Tools for institutional communication

            Seminar 7. Exercises and applications. Research: bibliographical information.

Lesson 8. Elements of public speaking

            Seminar 8. Exercises and applications. Research: reading sheets.

Lesson 9. The management of crisis situations

            Seminar 9 Exercises and applications. Writing the paper: work plan.

Lesson 10. Communication in crisis. Communication plan. Practical modalities

            Seminar 10. Exercises and applications. Writing the paper: first draft.

Lesson 11. Public speaking in spontaneous situations

            Seminar 11. Exercises and applications. Writing the paper: second draft.

Lesson 12. The spokesman

            Seminar 12. Exercises and applications DEADLINE FOR THE PAPER!