General objectives

1. Developing of managerial competence in the field of scientific research

2. Promotion of original research in socio-human sciences

3. Increase of the Romanian research visibility on international level

            Objectives and activities


1. Promotion of original research in socio-human sciences

            – documentation at Leibniz Archiv Hannover

            – documentation at Kings College

2. Increase of the Romanian research visibility on international level

            – participations at national and international scientific events

            – summer school on early modern philosophy


1. Promotion of original research in socio-human sciences

            – The theory of substance in De principio individui (Adrian Nita)

            – Substance and theology in De transsubstantione, Confessio naturae contra atheistas etc and in the correspondence 1672-1674 (Adrian Nita)

            – Substance and dynamics in Theoria motus abstracti (Delia Serbescu)

            – Substance and subject in De arte combinatoria (Ionut Raduica)

2. Increase of the Romanian research visibility on international level

            – documentations stages at Leibniz Archiv, Oxford and London University, Princeton University etc.

            – participations at national and international scientific events

            – international colloquium on Leibniz`s theory of substance

            – summer school


1. Promotion of original research in socio-human sciences

            – Theory of substance in Confessio philosophi and the correspondence 1674-1679 (Adrian Nita)

            – Substance and dynamics in Theoria motus concreti and the correspondence 1668-1671 (Delia Serbescu)

            – Substance and logic in De arte combinatoria and the correspondence 1666-1668

2. Increase of the Romanian research visibility on international level

            – documentations stages at Leibniz Archiv, Oxford and London University, Princeton University etc.

            – participations at national and international scientific events

            – international colloquium on Leibniz

            – summer school