Academic Ethics and Integrity

– syllabus en–

Anglo-American Intercultural Studies, First Year, 2021-2022, room 121, Monday, 18.00-20.00

Conf. univ. dr. Adrian Niţă

Web page:


Description:  the course will present the major norms of ethics and integrity in the field of academic research

Specific objectives: the know how is conduct the research in the field of academic; to know the norms, values, principles of academic integrity; to know and use the norms for good conduct in research; to form skills for independent work in academic field; to do research, write and present a personal (simple) research.

Assessment: 50% practice (25%  presentation, 25%  paper) + 50% exam


M. Grawitz, Methodes des sciences sociales, Paris, Dalloz, 2001.

Dore Beach, The responsible conduct of research, New York, VCH, 1996.

xxx, Integrity in scientific research, Washington, National Academies Press 2002.

AE Shamoo, DB Resnik (eds.), Responsible conduct of research, Oxford University Press, 2009.

T Gibbons (ed.), Integrity and historical research, New York, Routledge, 2012.

U Eco, Cum se face o teză de licenţă, trad de G Popescu, Constanţa, Pontica, 2000.

A Marga, Metodologie şi argumentare filosofică, Cluj, Dacia, 1992.

Adrian Niţă, Metodologie, Bucureşti, Ars Docendi, 2005.

L Topa, Metode şi tehnici de muncă intelectuală, Bucureşti, Editura Didactică, 1979.

Time schidule:

Lesson 1. Object and method. General frame for promotion of ethical values

            Seminary 1. Introduction

Lesson 2. Relationship with other disciplines. Corruption – introductory aspects

            Seminary2. Ian McEwan, Machines like me, ch. 2

 Lesson 3. Academic integrity – principles

            Seminary 3.  Milan Kundera, Joke

Lesson 4. Values for academic integrity

            Seminary 4.  Tolkien, The Lord of the Rings. Fellowship of the ring, book II, ch VII

Lesson 5. Good conduct in research – norms and rules

            Seminary 5.  Tolkien, The Lord of the Rings. The two towers, book 3, ch. IV

Lesson 6. Activities and risk-zone for integrity

            Seminary 6.  Setting the theme for paper. Tolkien, The Lord of the Rings. The Return of the King, book 5, ch. 3.

Lesson 7. Ethics of nondiscrimination

            Seminary 7.  Research: bibliographical information. JK Rowling, Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, ch. 5.

Lesson 8. Applied ethics

            Seminary 8. Research: reading sheets. Hilary Mantel, Wolf Hall, ch. 3.

Lesson 9. Ethical dilemmas

          Seminary 9. Writing the paper: work plan. Philip Pullman, The Amber Spyglass, ch. 3

Lesson 10. Strategies anti-corruption

            Seminary 10. Writing the paper: first draft, Ali Smith, Autumn, ch. 3.

Lesson 11. Ethics management in organizations and institutions

            Seminary 11 Writing the paper: second draft, David Mitchell, Cloud Atlas, ch. 3.

Lesson 12. Operational procedures – Ethics at work DEADLINE FOR THE PAPER!

            Seminary 12. Salomon Rushdie, Harun and the See of  Stories, ch. 1

Lesson 13. Counselor for ethics

Seminary 13. Milan Kundera, No one will laugh.

Lesson 14. Plan for integrity

Seminary 14. Graham Green, Our Man from Havana, second part