Academic Ethics and Integrity

– syllabus –


Master: Anglo-American Intercultural Studies, First Year, 2023-2024

Assoc. Prof.  Adrian Nita

Personal page:



Course description: the course presents the main norms of research ethics and integrity in the academic field.

Course objectives: the main objective of the course is to understand how scientific research is carried out within the framework of good conduct. The acquisition of information related to the methodology of the elaboration of the works (in particular, the dissertation work) will be doubled with the performance of exercises and applications at the seminar through which each of the topics covered will be able to be mastered and applied by the students.

Course requirements: every student is obliged: 1) to constantly participate in courses and seminars; 2) to support an oral presentation; 3) to prepare a report of 10-12 pages (for the course 6).

Assessment: 50% practical activities (25% oral presentation, 25% report) + 50% written exam


Dore Beach, The responsible conduct of research, New York, VCH, 1996.

xxx, Integrity in scientific research, Washington, National Academies Press 2002.

AE Shamoo, DB Resnik (eds.), Responsible conduct of research, Oxford University Press, 2009.

T Gibbons (ed.), Integrity and historical research, New York, Routledge, 2012.

  1. Grawitz, Methodes des sciences sociales, Paris, Dalloz, 2001.

U Eco, Cum se face o teză de licenţă, trad de G Popescu, Constanţa, Pontica, 2000.

A Marga, Metodologie şi argumentare filosofică, Cluj, Dacia, 1992.

Adrian Niţă, Metodologie, Bucureşti, Ars Docendi, 2005.

L Topa, Metode şi tehnici de muncă intelectuală, Bucureşti, Editura Didactică, 1979.


Development of the course:

Course 1. The object and method of the discipline. Relations with other disciplines.

Seminar 1. Organizational aspects

Course 2. Academic integrity

Seminar 2. Charlotte Brontë, Jane Eyre

Course 3. Values, principles, norms of academic integrity

Seminar 3. Arthur Conan Doyle, Scandal in Bohemia

Course 4. Good conduct in research

Seminar 4. Tolkien, The Fellowship of the Ring, Book II, Chapter VII

Course 5. Ethics of non-discrimination

Seminar 5. Salomon Rushdie, Harun and the Sea of ​​Stories, ch. 1

Course 6. Applied ethics

Seminar 6. Graham Green, Our Man in Havana, Part Two

Course 7. Ethical dilemmas

Seminar 7. Ian McEwan, Machines Like Me and People Like You, ch. 2